Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Trusting Again

The subject of trust has been bouncing around in my brain for a while, and when it comes to D/s the application, foundation, and building of trust between two people gives me a supreme thrill. I've come to love opening myself up to compromise, to forgiveness, to the opportunity to disregard fear at first sight and really seeing the people in front of me. Seeing their good, their true nature.

Coming from a broken home and witnessing disrespect, disfunction, and plain bat-shit cray-cray I am fascinated to see, hear, or read a breach of trust in other couples -- only to see them mend that crack. To see them repair that cataclysm that could have broken them down, and to see them experience triumph and joy for years to come.

I want to know what that is like.

What it is like to put aside your own pride, your own pain, and to have faith in the good of another -- and for them to do the same for you. To me, that is the ultimate expression of respect. And, frankly, the challenge gives me a thrill too. So when it comes to Josiah and I -- our pleasant conversations, our common yet opposing viewpoints on life, our sexual chemistry -- the urge to push my mental boundaries and see what can be done about our situation excites me. I would love to see how I would react should he seek reconciliation, how it would play out, and what steps would be taken to ensure that trust be built at another level better than before.

I'm not holding my breath that he'll find himself really wanting a reconciliation anytime soon, if ever.

But it's a nice thought.

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