Friday, May 31, 2013

The Little Things

Something clicked for me this morning, and maybe it started a while ago, but life is starting to make sense. For the first time in my life I think I fully recognize the little things that make up the big picture. The small action steps -- or even action steps of the mind -- make a big difference. That small no to a negative thought, the breath of calm after nerves begin to fray, that one paragraph a day to make a novel, the one phone call (or fifty) to build your business, all of it to meet the big goal.

My big goal is me. As I've said before, "I have to be the type of woman to attract..." In the post I was talking about attract a certain type of man, but I believe the same for the rest of my life -- friends, work, finances, service, etc. Like attracts like, you get what you give, plain and simple. But for the first time I recognize and accept who I am now, even as I strive for better. I accept because the actions I take now will aid in who I want to become, how I ultimately want to act (as second nature), and what I want in return.

I am blessed, and I am grateful. 

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