Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Prayer (3)

Dear Lord, I ask for your help today and tomorrow to give me the strength and patience for a productive and wonderful day. I want to thank you for this healthy body you have given me, and the healthy mind to turn my thoughts to joy and happiness, even in times of stress or unease. Heavenly Father, I give thanks for the smooth path that you have laid before me. Lift me of any discomfort and fear I may experience for I know in my heart that you are all, the Universal Source and all things are blessed by your touch. My life is overflowing with goodness and I know I am filled with the Infinite Love that is you. I allow the Light of God to cascade into my life, expanding and presenting more perfectly that my imagination can conceive. I release this word into the Infinite and give thanks, knowing all my needs are met and exceeded.  

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