Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Morning After

Good morning internet neighbors! Well, I'm back from an uber successful surgery and I am just amazed. The only delay in my recovery is because I was in so much pain after coming out of surgery they gave me a nerve block. BUT! Just this morning I was able to put about 30% of my weight on my leg with the aid of crutches -- and go to the bathroom by myself (I cannot tell you how happy I am about that).

The day kind of started out with a little drama with my parents and escalated after the surgery. The original plan was that my mom was going to pick me up and I would spend the night with her, and then she would drive me back down to my dad's and go to work. I knew my mom has been under some pressure and how valuable she is to her work, so yesterday morning I called my Dad asking if I could go home with him, since my mom seemed a little stressed. Before I could get a chance to call my mom I get a call from her asking what the heck that was all about.

Obviously the situation could have been handled better and what made it worse is I kept flipping my decision to try and please my mom once I saw how angry she was. Unbeknownst to me, she had called work asking for Tuesday AND Wednesday off so she could care for me. I love her, but I weighed my options and I knew all I would be thinking about at my mom's would be to clean her house (she lives alone in the desert with her two dogs AND works 6 days a week -- cleaning is low on her priority). My dad's house is clean, in an area with a better climate and he's a far better cook. Also, the rooms are more spacious and thus, better for crutch navigation. And most importantly, I wanted to test myself. My dad has been telling me nothing but "how bad his knee pain and recovery" was. I wanted a chance to stick up for myself and tell him that NOT how my recovery was going to be. I wanted to tell my dad the truth, rather than cringe and hide like I've been doing.

I just didn't know how to communicate that to my mother.

I know I hurt her feelings pretty badly and she became more angry than I have seen her in over 10 years. I got yelled at twice last night and cried both times. The worst part was the things she said. Yes, some were true, but I didn't voice which ones were not true to me. We're still talking, and I wouldn't exactly say there's tension, but I'm confused on how to proceed.

I know I made the right decision and it is a gorgeous day outside so I think I'll take my book, tea, water and lounge outside in the sun. Hooray for mobility!


  1. I am so glad your surgery went off well. Will pray for your speedy recovery. Hope things work out between you and your Mom.

    1. Thank you Desi Daasi! I very much appreciate your prayers!

  2. I am so happy to hear your surgery was a success and so jealous that you are lounging about in the sun. I know this will be hard for you but don't push your recovery, it is not a race or a contest and your body will heal at the speed it heals.

    What fun would the big events in life be if we did have a little family drama, it will work out and your proceed as you always have.

    1. True, true. With stress and unfamiliarity comes drama. I will most certainly not be equating this recovery with a race, My body is a little too vocal for me to do that anyway hahaha! Also, I'm in it for the long term -- I plan on doing triathlons and marathons multiples times (I want to run a marathon 5 mo. pregnant and do a triathlon for my 60th birthday)! This whole experience has taught me to treasure my body on so many levels it blows my mind, so I'm taking really good care and listening in. I am so lucky and grateful to have such a caring, supportive network (that includes you -- thank you Sir J!)
