Monday, May 6, 2013

Chalet Girl

I cannot express what painful hell I am in at the moment. And I'm at work (and still being as nice and helpful as ever, don't ask how I'm doing it -- I have no idea). And I have already taken my painkillers. Part of me thinks I'm ready for childbirth after this. Or, well, anything at this point. I'm a resilient mother fucker and am overcoming great things.

Sorry to be so crass, it's how I'm coping. However! To distract myself, I am going to talk about the little gifts that have been presented to me despite my situation. Because this is what I need to do to stay sane. Also, count my blessings.

So yesterday afternoon I watched a B movie called Chalet Girl, a washed up story of the poor maid-girl (with equally tragic backstory) lusting after the the rich son of the house. Except with a twist! She learns to snowboard! And (gasp) is instantly great at it! OK, you can tell I couldn't really care about the plot, but what the movie did do for me was strengthen my love for snowboarding again.

"shredding" some fresh pow-pow!
I was first introduced to snowboarding by J #2 back in 2010. I really liked it, but was not very good at it. As a gift, he bought me boots and a snowboard. As the relationship fell apart I wasn't into it anymore as I thought it was mostly his thing and just wanted to get out of the dysfunctional household. So I left all my boarding stuff behind. Turns out I liked snowboarding a lot more than I thought because I kept longing to get my stuff back and figured he had given it away or sold it. Turns out, I was wrong.

My pretty pretty board
I am very happy to announce that after a very cordial e-mail communication I was notified all my snow stuff is still in the guest bedroom closet and I can pick up all of it anytime. I won't be able to board before this season in over, but yahoo! Next year I want to make at least three trips.

Come to think of it... I wonder how the soreness and bruising from the physical exertion of snowboarding would feel in combination with a delightful play session.... ?

Disclaimer: These photos were taken in 2010 and my hair is not blond, I bleached the the ends.


  1. that looks less than 60 F ;) California girl.

    1. You know, you're right. It was less that 60, BUT due to all the falling, attempting to get up, finally getting up, actually boarding... all that physical exertion raises my body temperature to a very comfortable level! Plus, as much of a weenie I might be it may not come as so much of surprise to you that I very much enjoy testing myself, my boundaries and limits. Hee :P
