Sunday, May 19, 2013

Want v. Need

Lately certain urges have been creeping up, certain longings for companionship and domination. But that's not necessarily what is good for me at this time.

I want a man, a Dom, a partner to match my own desires.

I need to focus on my healing, my life before I can seek another intimate perspective.

It’s been too long. The tactics I had regarding sex before discovering how amazing it can be no longer work (i.e. ignoring it). I LOVE being submissive; I LOVE the building of trust; I LOVE giving my mind willingly to someone for them to extract the best play; I LOVE seeing the delight, the sadism of my Dom. I love it all and I want it again.

There is a little snag – beyond my knee – I can’t, I refuse, my relations to be “casual.” It’s just not me. I’m pretty old fashioned in the courtship department: man approaches woman, man opens doors for woman, man orders meal for woman (eventually), and pays for dinner. When the ice is broken, a bond is formed… then things can be relaxed but I have always been on board with the HOH lifestyle (even before I knew what it was) and I think the man I want should reflect that in his dating style.

It still boils down to I have to be the type of woman to attract that type of man. If I want to attract a put-together man who is Dominant and takes charge, I have to be willing to build certain characteristics and practices within myself to be able to attract that dynamic partner I’ve always wanted. To be respected and cared for, I have to respect and care for myself first. 

At the very least, I’m ready to date again. So Lord, please send me delicious men to date, please. I at least would like to laugh with and would like to be sought out by a man I desire. Thank you. 


  1. I will pray for you. Hope you meet the man of your dreams soon
