Monday, August 12, 2013

Private Moments: Flirting with Red

It happened naturally. I had brushed the contact solution from my lashes and on a whim curled them with my mother's discarded device. But when I looked at myself that morning, I felt the urge... my eyes were missing something. My hand rummaged in the carefully placed makeup bag in the bottom dresser drawer. The smooth glide of the zipper sent an electric thrill up my arm. It seemed like nothing, yet felt like my little secret. A light black film coated my lashes with each quick stroke -- one... two.. switch. Top and bottom. I blinked and enhanced my eyebrows; something was still missing. My eyes flicked to the bag. Resting gingerly at the top was my most coveted item: bright red lipstick. 

I'm not a girl who normally wears makeup. Chapstick is about as close as I can get. I'm not opposed to others wearing it, in fact I always associated makeup (done right, not caked on) as a form of self care, a way to be feminine -- to the point of idolizing old Hollywood actresses with the dramatic look. Alas, no matter how much I flirted with it, or what I tried... it never stuck. My face felt too suffocated, or the mascara would bother my contacts, or in the case of the red lipstick ... I never felt that bold. 

My mentality towards myself has obviously been changing, and as a result, my physical appearance has slowly been shifting. My body is gradually leaning out, my hair got a dramatic change (I got BANGS!), and, now, rich accents on my face. I feel sexy, empowered, and I feel naturally drawn to things that will reflect that. Other things, too, are culminating for my success and I am tentatively giddy about those as well. 

I will admit, in this buried corner of the community, a sly smile picks at one side of my face as I think of my wrists restrained behind my back, hair mussed, and red gloss covering my Master's* cock. 

*sorry to get your hopes up, but as of 8/12/13 I still do not have a Master. :P


  1. Hot! I'm digging the red lipstick!

    I totally agree, I'm not much of a make-up girl myself, but well-applied make-up is sexy and amazing. I'm glad you're getting to a point, mentally, where you feel like you can rock it! ^_^

    (Also, love the image in that last sentence!)


    1. Oh thank you! It's fun to doll up (even minutely) from time to time, eh?
