Monday, November 11, 2013


I can say unabashedly that I love BuzzFeed. It's one of those sites you go on and come up for air hours later, not even knowing any time has passed. Anyhow, I fell upon yet another one of their informative videos. This one about crushes, which hits pretty close to home.

Remember this guy? Through online chatting, I made a friend in a Dom. It definitely crossed the "friendship" line at some point (at least for me), but I think we both danced around it pretty well. It was the first time that I had remotely felt lust, kindness, etc. towards a man (since my injury or breakup). And shortly after I posted that about Him, He disappeared. I blame Night Vale's mysterious hooded figures. I think He got too close to the dog park.

Or, it was His demanding job. Who knows? Life is interesting like that and these sort of Universal teases gifts happen to me frequently. And while I'm not exactly lonely, the experience and lingering tendrils of a crush have left me more wistful than not. Sprinkle in some holiday warmth and you've got a relatively realistic girl dreaming again. Also, baking. But that's a whole other post.


  1. Just keep looking you may not find what you are looking for, but I assure you that you will not if you give up the hunt. The few regrets I have is not presuing things that interest me I do however have a regret or two of things not gone after.

    Boy did that make me sound old.

    1. I trust that God has miracles in store for me and I just need to have the patience to wait for the great of my life to unfold before me.

      What makes a person sound "old", in my most humble of opinions, is the wisdom they have to impart. So if you've got it, I say flaunt it. Having said that, I'll let you in on something a dynamic 70+ y/o told me: regrets are just lessons we let affect our present. Best to learn and let go. If something is meant to happen (ie following a passion) we are given the opportunity over and over again until we either take the bait, grab the handle, or die.

      Seriously, old people are awesome.
