Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I am Needing of The Sex

Ever since I read Renee Rose's figging post last week, almost immediately followed up by Safe in His Arms (also by Rose, review to come) it would seem the floodgates of horny have opened. Normally, when I'm on lockdown/ single, as the longevity of my singledom stretches I only ever get randy enough to masturbate once a month (usually when I'm ovulating). Also, this horniness only lasts 1-3 days and abruptly stops. It is as if my logical mind says, "body function, I will allow this time, but seeing as there are no prospects available we will conserve the sexy!"

Anyhow, you might have noticed some changes happening in my writing. If not, that's OK too, I mean, I don't tell you guys everything.


It's been almost a week, and I am still abundantly aware of my state of want. Of wanting ropes and spankings and double penetration; of salivating at the thought of a hand around my throat, a command in my ear; of the flutter in my heart when I think of being fondled in public, an outwardly innocent swat of the behind, with so much more meaning beneath the surface.

And here's the kicker: I'm not LONELY.

It's an extremely strange and wondrous feeling to experience something reminiscent of the past yet oh so so different. I'm not jealous, I'm not unhappy, I'm just plain as horny as a 14 year old boy. Who just happens to be a 26 year old woman who really really really wants to get spanked and slapped and oh so deliciously possessed. And perfectly OK with the fact that she's not right now.

Does that make me weird?


  1. Embrace the horny. We've all been there, one time or another. Nothing like a man filling up the need. You should perhaps meet up with others i the D/s community where you live. I bet there are monthly munches where you could present yourself.

    1. lol. I've gone to a few munches. They're fun and I've gotten to meet some pretty interesting characters.
