Sunday, March 31, 2013

On the Edge

I had the opportunity to have a chat (online) with my most recent ex and the aftermath has left me with a very hard choice to make: I can either live stuck dragging my feet while still being attached to this person emotionally (even in the sexual abstract) or I can get up and go and live the life I am supposed to lead. I already knew I didn't miss him. I'm missing the idea of him -- the fantasy of the man I really want: a man who can push me beyond what I can do myself.

During our chat it became abundantly clear that even as a friend it wouldn't work. The same reason that he broke up with me -- had to get his life together and thus, didn't have time for me -- is the same reason we wouldn't be able to be friends.

That, and I became a woman with two insecure heads.

At some point in the conversation it became apparent to me that I was trying to fill a void -- out of habit. Talking and talking and talking... and it was just fluff. Meaningful fluff about real feeling and events, but when I took a step back and saw myself in this conversation I started asking myself, who are you? In the stillness of meditation afterwards it became abundantly clear that I do not have those proclivities anymore, there is no "void" to fill. I am secure enough and strong enough within myself to not talk AT a person to escape the loneliness (blogging totally doesn't count), despite what my fears say.

Those fears that I indulge and contact my ex because I fear that I'll forget about D/s, or that I'll be forgotten or that I'll have trouble finding a new Dom so I want to keep the old one in my back pocket (crazy logic, I know)...

The truth is, however, that fears are just thoughts. They have no true power and can be dismissed or replaced. Thus, it gives me strength to know that if I focus on the present, on how blessed I am right now, how God has something so much better in store for me, that my BDSM desires run deep and are not just a passing fancy... Well, that's when he becomes just another beautiful face on this wonderful Earth. A person to be treated with kindness and respect, a man whom I can appreciate for introducing me to the lifestyle I was made for and, thus, the intimacy of our past slips away.

A beautiful part of the healing process that I will faithfully pray more to be ready to embrace.

Because being stuck is a real bitch.

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