So my May has been rather exciting and as far as personal development is concerned I'd say I'm turning out to be a smashing success! Is it a daily process? Of course it is, and I won't lie this has been a long journey. The best part is, I'm only just now touching the fringes of the type of life and person I want to be. Whereas before that knowledge made me scared, dissatisfied, and generally unhappy to move forward, now I find the notion fun, exciting, and, yeah, not quite "perfect."
As a Class A Perfectionist I've lived most of my life with the "all or nothing, unrealistic goals" mentality. As you might imagine, this does not breed content or success. Throughout this month I've had to learn to love myself for who I am now (admittedly I am still working on that one), get to a point where I was satisfied with self-love and joy, move forward to acceptance and general contentedness of my surroundings, and finally (at least where I am currently) soothing and coaxing my anxiety of "perfectionism" to trust in the unknown, while still molding my life into my ideal.